My Writing - Chocolate and More!

Hey! My name is Alex and this is my Creative Writing blog. Enjoy :)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

School Day Routine

Studying Physics
Laughing at jokes
Doing homework

Laughing at homework
Doing Physics
Studying jokes

Doing jokes
Studying homework
Laughing at Physics

Dear my lost Clipdrive,

Where are you? It's been so long since I last saw you...Wherever you are, I hope you're OK.
It's been such a long time since you were gone and I still haven't figured out how or why are you gone. I only remember that you were inside my lost pencilcase (if he's with you will you tell him I miss him too? Thanks!). Clipdrive, I miss your friendly purple light blinking everytime I put you into a USB port. You saved my data without failure and you were always there for me.
How come you got lost? Did I leave you somewhere carelessly? Did I abandon you in the hour of need? Was this my fault, or was it just some cruel fate that made you lost, Clipdrive? These questions I can't answer, and I know that I probably never will, as much as I want to find you.
Wherever you are, I hope you know that I miss you. Forgive me, dear Clipdrive.
Still hoping to see you again sometime,

When Lights Go Out

When lights go out you can:
Drop everything you're doing
Call the electricity company
Listen to the sounds of your house and guess what they are
Sit in the dark
Try to identify the objects around you
Take a free tour of your house in the dark
Get a torch and make funny faces while looking at yourself in the mirror
Scream and laugh
Try to scare your neighbors
Call your friends (cellphone) and invite them over for a ghost story session
Find a candle and read an old book by candlelight
Get a guitar and compose a beautiful ballad
Go under your bedcover with a torch and start writing in your diary
Make yourself a cup of tea and enjoy it
Randomly pour drinks into a few glasses and then try to identify them without looking at what they are
Try some clothes on
Do your make-up in the dark and take photos
Think about the sense of your life
Ignore the fact since you were turning the lights off anyway
Go to sleep

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Party Invitation

Occasion: Me getting a fabulous-looking haircut

Date: May 30th, Saturday, a day after my visit in the hair salon so nobody has seen my hair yet

Time: 6:50 AM, the time when I feel the need for a change in my looks the most, as it is the time I wake up everyday and also the time at which I made the great decision concerning visiting a good hairdresser yesterday.

Place: THE Hair salon where my very own hair was cut yesterday and where the invited will get THEIR very own fabulous makeovers while enjoying the best chocolate in the world

Bring: Your hair and the contract that you signed yesterday, which states "I will let the hairdresser cut my hair at the party regardless of what I feel at the moment because I really need a change" (for full contract content and a printable version visit )

Wear: Whatever you want. "I love my hair" t-shirts are more than fine.

Rain date: Whenever I feel like it, so watch out.

Winter Break "To Do" List

Eat chocolates
Make cards
Spend Money

Spend chocolates
Make money
Eat cards

Make chocolates
Eat money
Spend cards

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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My Teddy Bear

You were the color of the sun, of fresh lemonade
Your fur so soft and smooth.

Always happy, you made me smile uncounsciously,
Everytime I saw you,
Everytime I thought of you, and
Everytime I picked you up.

I carried you around with me everywhere,
Refusing to let you go out of my sight,
And finding comfort in you
Whenever some dreadful disaster came.

When I cried, you listened.
I knew you would understand.

Your very presence made life better than it already was.

This Is How I Remember It

I could not avert my eyes from my broken finger. Red before, it now started to turn a pale purple - and I thought it was already at its worst! Trying to think of something else besides the pulsing pain in my left hand, and to ignore the sickening cracks as the doctor lined up the bones in the right order, I examined the immaculate, disturbingly white room. The smell of medicine disgusted me and a wave of nausea washed over me as I snapped my eyes shut, tired of the too bright, too pale and too strong lights that lit the room. Even so, some of the light still found its way inside my eyelids. "Annoying," I thought, squeezing my lids harder, so that they blocked all the specks of light.
My hand began to feel oddly cold and I kept my eyes shut as I gradually lost feeling in the broken finger. I didn't want to know what the doctor did to it. Then I felt something grip around my broken finger and it stayed clenched to it. To my relief, the pain disappeared completely, as if it was never there.
A few minutes later, I was out of the too white, too bright hospital, unable to use my left hand for eternity (more precisely, two months) because of the shiny, odd-looking metal brace around my pinky finger that disabled it from movement, so that the fractured bones could repair themselves. Or so the doctor said. Nonetheless, I was feeling very glad this less-than-pleasant visit was over.